The “Bounce Back”-ish

Exercises After Birth

Not An “Intentional” Older Mom

You may have already read that I had both of my kids in my 40’s.  I had my son when I was 42 and my daughter when I was 45.  I was not an “intentional” older mom, it’s just how it all worked out for us throughout our journey to become parents.  More on that later…  

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I’ve always been in “OK” shape.  I’m not winning any bikini contests for SURE, but I make it a point to keep moving and keep my muscles engaged.  My grandma lived to be 104 and her mantra was “when you stop moving, you die.”  I’m not going to go THAT far, but you get the point.  After both kids, I hopped on the WWW for help in figuring out where to start given my body had never grown a human before.  Note that this obviously pertains to my situation and truly every, single other situation is very different. Recovery for you might be completely different than it was/is for me, based on your doctor’s recommendations and where you are as it relates to your specific fitness goals.  I am NOT a doctor nor am I a trainer – please seek medical advice before starting any workout routine! So, with that said – What did I do? When did I start? What exercises did I start with?

Safe and Simple Exercises After Birth


As soon as my doctor gave me the OK – I put the kid(s) in a stroller and started walking.  I started at about a mile – it was a veerryyyy slooowwww mile – but a mile nonetheless.  Each day I ticked it up a little bit, ending up at about 7 miles after about 8 weeks.  I used this time to chat with my baby(s), enjoy the outdoors (yes, both hot and cold days – I just dressed everyone for the occasion :)), get to know the neighbors, and decompress from the stresses of being a full-time working mom.  You do NOT need to spend a ton of money on a really good stroller either!  Check these out from Overstock.

Bodyweight Exercises After Brith

This means no extra hand weights, bars, etc – just you and your body.  I mixed up walking lunges, squats, planks, mountain climbers, and tricep dips.  I also happened to live in a very TALL house at this time so I walked up and down 3 flights of stairs about 40 times a day – that just came with the territory – haha!  For each exercise, I started with 8 each.  Then once I felt like I could tackle more, I would do the circuit again, working up to 3 full circuits.  Note I did this all at home.  I was SO TIRED the thought of going to the gym sounded insurmountable.  So did brushing my teeth and showering.  And let’s not even get started on my hair.  Mop-head mixed with so many grays.  Lovely!

Stength Training
Exercises After Birth

My husband is a former college athlete (baseball and football) and has had some of the best trainers in the world guiding him on strength training the RIGHT way.  This is SO important so you don’t hurt your joints when you start adding weights to your workout.  Hop on YouTube, get a trainer, call in a favor from a friend – there is plenty of information to help you with proper form.  With his help, I started with a mixture of upper body exercises (bicep curls, tricep lifts, bench press, pushups (gah!)) to name a few.  Then came the lower body: front squats, back squats, lunges, walking lunges – a few sorted pieces of equipment to isolate hamstrings and the lower back.  I started just a couple of days a week as I needed recovery days given my body was in a wee bit of shock.  You do not need fancy equipment or an expensive gym – here are a few good starter kits for at home, anywhere exercise!

Resistance Bands

So – that is really the progression from getting moving to really feeling like you are getting back to your old self (or a new version of your old self!).  For me, working out and keeping in good shape-ish helps my physical self, sure, but TOTAL truth – it does more for my mind than anything else.  It’s a reset.  I have days where I am in the middle of a task and I know if I go outside and walk a mile, I will come back with a completely new outlook and no doubt produce a far better result.  Still no bikini contests – I mean FO REAL – but at 48 I am keeping up with 2 littles and have yet to pull a hammy or throw out my back.  YET….  

Padded Weighted Bars

No BODY is Perfect

Side note – To give me a little help smoothing out some of the lumpy-bumpies and post-pregnancy belly, I turn to the great people at Spanx.  They have a simple, breathable solution for most outfits and I SWEAR by their quality.  There are other options in body shapers, and I have tried a LOT of them, but I always come back to SPANX.  If you haven’t yet tried something their wide selection of leggings and denim – do yourself a favor and order a pair.  Life.  Changing.

I’d love for you all to share your mind, body, soul training tips in the comments below!  Each of us has different methods to keep up with the smalls – there is no wrong way.  Like Grandma Rose always said – just keep moving. And being an “older” Mom does have its challenges. Continue the journey with this informative article on what it’s like being an older Super Mom.

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One response to “The “Bounce Back”-ish”

  1. […] protein shake. So, during that 30-day challenge, you do not magically acquire the knowledge of making healthy choices. That happens day by day, by learning what you like and how to substitute new healthy alternatives. […]

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1 years ago
I'm a Proud Momma

When you get it...happy Friday 😉 #ImAProudMomma ... See MoreSee Less

When you get it...happy Friday ;) #ImAProudMomma

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Oh my goodness!!!

Alarra Mace

Ohhhhh nooooooo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ahhhhh that’s hilarious I’m mad they kept the name

Still ????

Do you mean dahmer... pronounced completely different so it makes no sense. ..yeah I know I'm fun at parties

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1 years ago
I'm a Proud Momma

Don't Forget The Dads!! We've Compiled Some Pretty Great Dad-Tastic Designs For The Kiddos To Decorate!!
& The Best Part? #TheyAreFree


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Dont Forget The Dads!! Weve Compiled Some Pretty Great Dad-Tastic Designs For The Kiddos To Decorate!! 
& The Best Part? #TheyAreFree 


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My husband was an awesome dad ❤️👏👏👏👍😊


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Moms do it, too. I used too look at my other twin son D'marcus like that until he did what I needed him to do. 😂 #SoFunnyThinkingBackAtGoodMemories🥰

Jeff Stalder

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